Burning wood with high voltages

Just a tiny post about how fun it can be burning wood with electricity!!! This is however ridiculously dangerous as the transformer outputs about 2800 VAC and is mains isolated… which means that your household safety switches will not trip if you touch the wires! Now that all of that boring safety stuff is out…

Restoring the Cosmos Valve Amplifier

A few months ago I spotted a very interesting and attractive looking valve amplifier on gumtree that I couldn’t resist. The amplifier was being sold for repair or parts as one of the valves was red-plating leaving one channel dead. This really didn’t phase me as troubleshooting valve gear is pretty straight forward, and red…

Setting up a planted aquarium

A few months ago I had the idea to drag my old aquarium out of storage, it had been stored away after my original fish died from old age (6 years is not bad for a goldfish). The aquarium base had been a quick job that I had made out of scrap timber from an…

Making a picture frame

One afternoon while sitting in a park a friend of mine drew an adorable picture of the Polaroid camera that I had with me. I thought the drawing was gorgeous and unique so really wanted to frame and hang it. She is an amazingly talented artist and I highly recommend that you take a look…

Carapark vintage caravan restoration

Some years a go I went searching for a small caravan that I could tow behind my Land Rover but also my little Subaru sedan and any other medium sized car that I happened to be driving at the time. I was after something small with plenty of head room which was wide enough to…